Contact Callow Hall in Derbyshire

Get in touch

If you have a question, please do get in touch and one of the team will answer you within 24 hours. If you're wondering how to find us, you'll find directions below.

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Contact us

Wildhive Callow Hall, Mappleton Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 2AA



Reception: 01335 300900

Events: 01335 300803


  • By car

    We're just a few minutes from the A515 that runs through Ashbourne, and can easily be found on Mappleton Road, just outside of town.

  • By train

    There are a number of stations nearby, including Derby, Uttoxeter, and Matlock Bath. If you're travelling to us by train, get in touch and we can help you book a taxi from the station to the hotel.

  • By plane

    East Midlands and Manchester Airports are our closest airports, but we're also just an hour's drive from Birmingham Airport, too.


Ashbourne Town Improvements

Ashbourne has recently been awarded £15m to regenerate the town and create even better public spaces and this work is now underway. As a result there will be a need to reroute some of the traffic through the town centre. We don't anticipate this will create too much disruption to your journey and advise you follow the redirection signs where applicable.